Monday, May 12, 2014

Metamorphosis Animation

For our metamorphosis animation we need to include two or more different types of animation. My team and I decided that we were going to you digital animation, claymation and, stop motion. Our focus statement was "Flower Faces Bullies." Our first scenes was stop motion, a bully finds a flower and tears it apart. Next the petals land on  the floor and it moves down the steps and ends at the bottom of the stairs in a big pile. Later a friend comes and buts the flower back together like a friend helping someone back on their feet after they were bullied. After the flower moves up a hand rail, our digital animation comes in and the flower pops and into a person. Lastly we finished with claymation credits.

Based on our results we met a requirements for characters, sets, and props. Also we were between meets requirements and, above and beyond for our creativity, originality and execution. I think we could have done better is we didn't load all of our photos onto the computer we were going to do the digital animation on because it took along time for the digital animation to be finished. Also we edited our pictures on one computer, when we shouldn't have because it took a long time and so did the sound track.


  1. you volume was perfect.
    You shots were a little bit shakey.
    You had clear shots.
